The urban intervention was held in Valencia, Spain during Fallas festival, an annual traditional festival where different monuments are settled around the city and then burnt.
The work was a workshop with kids ages between 4 and 7 and using only waste pieces of carpenters.
The main goal of the project was to demonstrate that kids have an enormous creativity and that they can use it in the analogic world, not only in the digital.

This text that accompanied the installation explains the goal of the project:
«Technology has provided children an instant enjoyment but has cornered the germ of childhood creation, the game. The one that will develop his talent for the rest of his life.
Phones, Video games and television are hiding the freedom of the game. Creativity born from the game that, with its different and personal ways, is fostered when the senses and the talent are exercised. The game is the best way to find a personal and unique line.
Children have seen their cities anesthetizing and directing them to a passive attitude.They are cornered in their homes, living within the limits imposed by a comfortable technology, by a city that is an enemy of its own development.
The city needs children and children need their city. We do not want our children to grow anesthetized with these limits, we have to give them the playing tools to break them.»